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Hind Swaraj Course - Reading Material


This page will contain all the materials used for reference during the Hind Swaraj Course by Samanvaya. Though this is initially kept for limited viewing for people. It may be opened by for everyone later on. 

Recommended Books for the Readers - 

No Title Author Publisher
1 Bapu Kuti Rajni Bakshi Penguin
2 Gandhiji's English Translation of Hind Swaraj Centre for Policy Studies 
3 Gandhi's Hind Swaraj - A Fresh Look Kanti Shah
4 Hind Swaraj M. K. Gandhi Available for freedownload online
5 Hind Swaraj and other writings Anthony J Parel
6 Hind Swaraj Dialogue - Gandhi Shanthi Sena Swaraj Peeth Trust
7 Hind Swaraj kyon (Hindi) Rajiv Vohra
8 Hind Swaraj, a critical edition Annotated, translated & edited by Suresh Sharma, Tridip Suhrud
9 Hindutva or Hind Swaraj U.R. Ananthamurthy
10 Indhiya Sujaraajyam (Tamil) Dr. V. Jeeva several versions available
11 Khadi - Gandhi's Symbol of Subversion Peter Gonsalves
12 Let's Talk Swaraj Priya Nagesh Samanvaya publication
13 Mahatma Gandhi - His Life & Ideas Charles F Andrews
14 Making of the Deshbhakta Mahatma  Centre for Policy Studies 
15 Politics, Ethics And The Self - Re-reading Gandhi's Hind Swaraj Edited by Rajeev Bhargava
16 Revolutionary Gandhi Pannalal Dasgupta
17 Secularism, Identity and Enchantment Akeel Bilgrami
18 The Power of Nonviolent Resistance Tridip Suhrud
19 Understanding Gandhi Dharampal Other India Books

There is a good general purpose introduction to the importance of this publication in the Gandhi serve that is available here.

There are several online articles engaging with the diverse areas that Hind Swaraj provides scope to expand. As I read them, I will keep adding them here  - 

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