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Hind Swaraj as Grantha today - Ven. Samdhong Rinpoche, 2004

 Speech by Samdhong Rinpoche, Sevagram, 10th October 2004

 The following is the content of the speech made by Rev. Samdhong Rinpoche, Tibetan Prime Minister in exile on the 10th October 2004 in front of Bapu Kuti at Sevagram. 10th October happened to be the birthday of Gandhiji according to the Indian calendar and the gathering for evening prayer consisted of delegates from all parts of the country who were there to attend a conference on education based on the Nai Taleem. After the evening prayers were over, Rev. Rinpoche was requested to give a speech on his thoughts on that day.

 For more than 2 years now this thought has been in my mind. I have been thinking that I should write a letter regarding the Hind Swaraj and the need to initiate serious debate in the society based on this book. However, some how this could not happen. Finally, this year on the 1st of October I managed to force myself to sit and write this letter and finish it by the 2nd of October. But even then I could not get it printed for circulation in enough numbers to send to friends. Only coming here today I could manage to do that and perhaps this has a meaning. I consider it a privilege to be given an opportunity to talk in front of this kuti and perhaps it was meant to be that way that I should share the thoughts I have expressed in this letter first with this gathering here.

 His Holiness Dalai Lama when we first came to India, visited the Rajghat, in the 1950s and during his visit made the following comment. He said, 'if only Gandhiji were around today, he would have given us a non-violent way to achieve our freedom'.  The more I look at the works of Gandhiji the more I am convinced that Hind Swaraj is the major work and is becoming increasingly relevant today.  It is the integrated framework provided in this book that provides it with an unique quality, the quality of a shastra. In the current international context, with lack of any kind of serious debate in the way the world is heading - the highly consumerist and hate-filled world needs serious debate and that can be provided through Hind Swaraj alone. It is a scripture that provides us with a comprehensive and integrated non-violent view of the world. It also provides us with a framework on satyagraha and science and technology. It is important for us to seriously to look at the violent science and technology of today and question things.

 Though ahimsa is not new to India and has been preached by Mahavira and Buddha before Gandhiji did, they provided the solution as an individual spiritual salvation. It was only Gandhiji who could integrate the concepts of ahimsa and individual spiritual goals and social norms and means. It was he who managed to create models for social action based on the premise of ahimsa.

Today it is important for all of us to read this grantha - Hind Swaraj, to bring back to public debate and discussion amongst people, particularly the youth, questions regarding the world. It is important not merely as a personal knowledge or spiritual growth, but, as a method of going about creating a more peaceful world, as a social responsibility. In the year 2009, we will have the centenary of the Hind Swaraj, at least by then we should have enough discussions based on this. This is my humble request to all of you. Thank you all for listening to me and once again for the organisers for providing me with this opportunity. Jai Jagat.


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