Structuring Hind Swaraj Mahatma Gandhi In Action (1932 - 1940) The year 1933 began a new phase in the life of Mahatma Gandhi the implications and lessons of which, perhaps, have yet to be fully appreciated. While the years 1919 to 1931 may be seen as the years which, by the gathering of the Indian people, made it certain, not only to themselves but to the British, as well as the world at large that the struggles which they had launched against British rule under the leadership and guidance of Mahatma Gandhi were distinctly leading towards political independence; the phase beginning with 1933 and continuing in full vigour till 1940, may be taken as Gandhiji's attempt to provide the content and structure (basically on the premises visualized by him in Hind Swaraj in 1909) of such political independence. That for various complex reasons this attempt largely got aborted makes it even more imperative that more is known and understood (through research and stu...