Reading Hind Swaraj in original Gujarati is IMPORTANT for anyone who wants to understand this work in its completeness. Many parts that are not clear in the English version is due to poor translation and further edition. In comparison the Gujarati edition reads almost poetic in places and extremely strong in its presentation. The local idioms and phrases deployed are also important as they represent a certain world view. Their English equivalent is no match whatsoever. Gandhi must have had a tough time doing the first translation himself.
Another problem seems to be that other Indian (and perhaps foreign) languages would have used the English rather than the Gujarati as the base (at least that seems to be the case in Tamil edition), if this is the case, then there are quite a few issues that need to be looked into.
Another problem seems to be that other Indian (and perhaps foreign) languages would have used the English rather than the Gujarati as the base (at least that seems to be the case in Tamil edition), if this is the case, then there are quite a few issues that need to be looked into.